Search for tag: "sustainable"

Leora Hadas - Research in Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

Hear from Leora Hadas, Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies at the University of Nottingham. They talk about their research interests, life as a postgraduate…

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From  Tom Aliwell 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Nahid Yazdani - Research in Business, Management and Organisation

Hear from Doctor Nahid Yazdani, Deputy Course Director of MSc Management and Assistant Professor in International Business and Strategy at Nottingham University Business School. They talk about the…

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From  Tom Aliwell 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Isobel O'Neil, Entrepreneurship masters programmes interview

Isobel O'Neil talks Entrepreneurship masters programmes, the Ingenuity Lab and teaching at the University of Nottingham.

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 5 plays 0  

How the University of Nottingham supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals

At the University of Nottingham, we address the complex challenges facing our planet and are committed to making an outstanding contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals…

From  Robert Ounsworth 1 likes 332 plays 0  

Living sustainably as a student challenge | University of Nottingham

Fiona tries living sustainably on a student budget for Sustainability Action Week.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Future Food | building a rhizotron system: time-lapse

A time-lapse video of the assembly process of building a rhizotron system - part of the Future Food Beacon. For more information visit:…

From  Jacqueline Anderson 1 likes 95 plays 0  

An introduction to the Ionomics Facility

An introduction to the Ionomics facility - part of the Future Food Beacon For more information visit:

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From  Tristan Dew 2 likes 83 plays 0  

Ancient DNA Facility - part one (the plan)

The first of three films in a series looking at the development of a new Ancient DNA facility, at UoN. For more information visit:

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From  Tristan Dew 1 likes 78 plays 0  

An Introduction to the MakerSpace

An introduction to the MakerSpace - part of the Future Food Beacon. For more information visit:

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From  Tristan Dew 1 likes 125 plays 0  

Overview of the MBA Sustainable Decisions and Organisations module

Dr Niamh O’Sullivan and Professor David Pemberton and others talk about the Nottingham MBA’s Sustainable Decisions and Organisations module where students take on C-suite roles for a week…

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From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 160 plays 0  

MBA Sustainable Decisions and Organisations module

Dr Niamh O’Sullivan talks about the Nottingham MBA’s capstone Sustainable Decisions and Organisations module where students take on C-suite roles for a week to run a fictitious company in…

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From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 302 plays 0  

MBA Sustainable Decisions and Organisations module

The MBA module is all about sustainability in business. Ellen Manning, freelance journalist, talks about her role in running a mock press conference with other journalists, when the MBA students are…

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From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Slavery modelling - Professor Thomas Chesney and Dr Alexander Trautrims

Solving modern slavery and labour exploitation is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Our research is to understand what works to stop labour exploitation by building computer models for…

From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 250 plays 0  

Responsible business and management education

Dr Judy Muthuri talks about the Business School’s commitment to the United Nations principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME) through its teaching, research and external…

From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 213 plays 0  

Marketing from a consumer’s perspective - Dr Samanthika Gallage, Assistant Professor in Marketing

We need use very creative methodologies to try and understand vulnerable consumers, or those that do not have a voice, so she uses a bottom-up approach by going to consumers first instead of…

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From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 553 plays 0  

Sustainability in Nottingham

From zero waste shops to kilo sales and low carbon public transport, Martha talks about some of the ways you can ways you can live sustainably as a student in Nottingham.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Our world-changing engineering research

We're proud to have a diverse and talented community of engineers here, from students and researchers to academics and alumni. Everyone in our community makes a difference and an impact.…

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From  Sam Watkins 0 likes 670 plays 0  

Charles from Nigeria discusses life at Nottingham

Charles Adedugba, a Chevening Scholar from Nigeria, discusses life in the UK and studying at the University of Nottingham.

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From  David Watts 0 likes 68 plays 0  

#WasteNott — the plastics challenge

We've developed new targets to change the way we use single-use plastic. Get involved and play your part.

From  Rebecca Byers 0 likes 664 plays 0  

Take the Plastics Challenge survey

We use more than a million disposable coffee cups a year on campus, along with many other single-use plastics. Take our survey and help us set challenging targets to improve our environment and…

From  Paul Hodgson 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Energy for Life - tackling challenges faced by developing countries

Energy for Life will build on collaborations between the University of Nottingham and leading research institutions in Asia, Latin America and Africa to help overcome challenges faced by developing…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 38 plays 0  

New materials paving the way for the next generation of solar devices

The University of Nottingham’s cross cutting energy research is leading the way in the development of new solar energy technologies that could have global impact. Energy Technologies…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Community Energy through Project SCENe – from research to reality

Find out how Project SCENe (Sustainable Community Energy Networks) looks to accelerate the adoption of community energy systems, a different way of generating and supplying heat and electricity to…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 13 plays 0  

At the heart of a revolution in greener transport

Propulsion in transport is on the cusp of a revolution and societies are being challenged to think differently about how we move people and goods. Our discoveries in sustainable materials and…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 297 plays 0  

Securing the low carbon bio-economy of the future

Today, many products are manufactured from fossil fuels using energy-intensive petrochemical technologies. We will spearhead the transformation of energy-intensive economies into low carbon…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 259 plays 0  

How chemistry can secure a sustainable future

Researchers at The University Nottingham are placing green chemistry at the heart of innovation in food, medicine and every aspect of a sustainable future. More information:…

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From  Robert Ounsworth 0 likes 199 plays 0  

Securing the future of food

Our multidisciplinary research tackles one of the key challenges facing the planet: how do we feed ourselves as the growing global population puts unsustainable pressure on the world's…

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From  Robert Ounsworth 0 likes 96 plays 0  

Securing a low-carbon future

Nottingham's sustainable energy researchers on how new technologies and materials, systems and people can interact to secure a low-carbon future. More…

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From  Robert Ounsworth 0 likes 42 plays 0  

Helium Lost in Space

Helium is a non-renewable resource and is essential in supporting research into drug discovery to cure diseases such as Alzheimer’s and at current usage rates will be exhausted by 2050. The…

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Creative Energy Homes

A long-term development of “Creative Energy Homes” on the University of Nottingham campus provides a living test-site to work with the University investigating integration of energy…

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 864 plays 0  

Zero carbon 'HOUSE' designed and built by students 'comes home'

Design and construct a low cost, zero carbon, family starter home, transport it to Spain, build it, landscape it and open it to the public. That was the challenge faced by a group of students from…

From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 87 plays 0  

PhD student Muniirah Mbabazi is studying nutrition policy in developing countries

Muniirah Mbabazi, from Uganda, is researching nutrition policy in Uganda for her PhD. In the past she has also carried out research into sustainable diets, including edible insects.

From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Impact: the first £100m

Celebrating the first £100 million raised for Impact: the Nottingham Campaign and how this money is already transforming lives locally, nationally and internationally. For more information…

From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 1,091 plays 0  

Impact Campaign - An Introduction

Impact: The Campaign for Nottingham will raise £150 million in philanthropic support across five strategic themes over the next five years. Our five themes encompass a series of high-impact…

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From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Impact Campaign - Nurturing Talent

Impact: The Campaign for Nottingham will raise £150 million in philanthropic support across five strategic themes over the next five years. Our five themes encompass a series of high-impact…

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From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 65 plays 0  

Impact Campaign - The Nottingham Experience

Impact: The Campaign for Nottingham will raise £150 million in philanthropic support across five strategic themes over the next five years. Our five themes encompass a series of high-impact…

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From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 84 plays 0  

Impact Campaign - Health and Well-Being

Impact: The Campaign for Nottingham will raise £150 million in philanthropic support across five strategic themes over the next five years. Our five themes encompass a series of high-impact…

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From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Impact Campaign - Ingenuity

Impact: The Campaign for Nottingham will raise £150 million in philanthropic support across five strategic themes over the next five years. Our five themes encompass a series of high-impact…

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From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Impact Campaign - Sustainable Futures

Impact: The Campaign for Nottingham will raise £150 million in philanthropic support across five strategic themes over the next five years. Our five themes encompass a series of high-impact…

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From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Professor Snape on Carbon Capture

Could CO2 be the conduit for carbon-neutral aircraft fuel in the future? Find out more about Professor Snape's work on our website:…

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From  Digital Communications 0 likes 38 plays 0  

Fighting Climate Change with Carbon Capture and Storage

The Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage at the University of Nottingham is producing ground-breaking research into carbon capture and making fossil fuels greener. Find out more about…

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From  Digital Communications 0 likes 24 plays 0  

How Ethical are Biofuels?

Researchers at the University of Nottingham explain how their work on Bio-fuel and it's social impact is a pioneering project in the UK. Assuring sustainable biofuels at the University of…

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Global Food Security and Efficient Plants

How are scientists working to double global food production by 2050? The University of Nottingham is producing world-class research into producing nutrition-efficient plants, as part of a wider look…

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 33 plays 0