Search for tag: "phd students"

Tips for starting your postgraduate degree

PhD student Fiona shares her experiences and advice about starting a Masters and PhD degree.

From  Tom Travis 0 likes 24 plays 0  

How PGRs can stand out at an interview - an employer's perspective

As a PGR recruiter, Steven Mulholland, VP of People at ONYX Insight, gives an insight into how PGRs can stand out during the interview process and how to make the transition from academia into…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Taking time out from my research - what I did and the benefits

Abigail Hernandez, PhD student, talks about why she applied for the Building Experience and Skill Travel Scholarship (BESTS), the application process, the best and worse parts of her experience at…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 135 plays 0  

Careers support for PhD researchers

Kirstin Barnard, Senior Careers Adviser, provides information and advice on how the Careers and Employability Service can support the career development of PhD researchers. Your starting point should…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Developing your career during and after your PhD

Kiri Granger, PhD psychology alumna from Nottingham, talks about how she met her future employer at a conference during the second year of her PhD. From starting with Cambridge Cignition as a…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Academic CVs - final thoughts (5/5)

Explore our final thoughts on developing an academic CV and what you can do next. This is the fifth video in the series and if you want to have your CV reviewed, book an appointment at…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 159 plays 0  

Academic CVs - other academic duties (4/5)

In this fourth video in the series of five, the focus is on other academic duties and responsibilities that you will want to reference in your CV. We provide plenty of examples of the types of…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 171 plays 0  

Academic CVs - teaching section (3/5)

In this video, the third in a series of five, you will see examples of the type of experience you could include in the teaching section of your academic CV. This can include delivering seminars and…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 192 plays 0  

Academic CVs - research section (2/5)

In this second video in a series of five, find out what content to include in the research section. She offers advice on how to present your research and the type of evidence you should include in…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 277 plays 0  

Academic CVs - an introduction (1/5)

In this first video in a series of five short videos, find out how to structure your academic CV and why it's important to keep it up to date. For tips and pointers on developing content for…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 355 plays 0  

Successful job applications for PhD students

If you're a PhD student applying for jobs in academia or industry, the three 'I's will make your application stand out. The three 'I's are Interest, Immediate and Impact.…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 406 plays 0  

Discover our world

Welcome to our extraordinary world. A world where we unlock potential, where we equip our students to change the world, and where our pioneering research solves global challenges. Discover our world,…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 2,148 plays 0  

Welcome to our world

Welcome to our extraordinary world. A world where we unlock potential, where we equip our students to change the world, and where our pioneering research solves global challenges. Discover our world,…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 19,843 plays 0