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Dr Liz Chatterjee, specialist in the history and political
economy of energy in the age of climate change and lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, talks to us about the challenges and…
Ian Hall, Deputy Director of the Griffith Asia Institute, talks to us about
the unique aspects of India’s foreign policy since it became independent in
Professor Hall…
Dr Pranay Ghosh, a graduate of the MMedSci Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) course, talks about his experience of studying at the University of Nottingham. He graduated with Distinction at…
2017 was an unprecedented year for research at the University of Nottingham. The largest planned investment in research in the University's history was announced at the Royal Society in London,…
Archbishop Kevin McDonald discusses with Prof. Tom
O’Loughlin the self-perception of the Catholic Church, in the aftermath of the
Second Vatican Council (1962-5), of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism,…
Electric fences
and trenches have proved to be the most effective way of protecting farms and villages
from night time raids by hungry elephants. But researchers think they may have
come up with…