John recently visited the Elisabeth Frink…
Overview of the Humanities Building on University…
PhD student Emma talks about what it's like…
Mature student John talks about what it's…
Third year student Joseph talks about what…
Second year student Abdul talks about what…
First year student Harriet talks about what…
2015 is the eighth centenary of Lateran IV…
PhD student Sachi Tsukamoto, from The University…
History of Art 'Module in a Minute'…
Faculty of Arts researchers discuss their…
A student's view - Would time travel make…
A podcast by Victoria Stiles about the changing…
You could find the perfect course at…
Robert tells us why he feels so at home at…
University of Nottingham graduate Amy Concannon…
University of Nottingham Art History graduate is…
Campus Cam went to meet Art History graduates to…
Hester talks about the balance between studying…
Charlotte talks about the galleries and cultural…
Helen talks about her MPhil and the art scene in…