05:07duration 5 minutes 7 seconds
Creative Energy Homes and Trent Basin research…
Creative Energy Homes and Trent Basin research projects
Short film about Creative Energy Homes and Trent…
02:23duration 2 minutes 23 seconds
Leadership Award: Sustainability in Campus Design
Since joining the University of Nottingham in…
02:20duration 2 minutes 20 seconds
Community Energy through Project SCENe –…
Community Energy through Project SCENe – from research to reality
Find out how Project SCENe (Sustainable Community…
02:47duration 2 minutes 47 seconds
Securing a low-carbon future
Nottingham's sustainable energy researchers…
04:13duration 4 minutes 13 seconds
Creative Energy Homes
A long-term development of “Creative Energy…
01:50duration 1 minute 50 seconds
Concept house showcases fuel poverty
An entire street of ecohouses at The University…
03:56duration 3 minutes 56 seconds
Climate change caused by carbon emissions is now…