Search for tag: "cells"

New ‘trap’ to analyse, in real time, how cells communicate

Using multiple laser beams and Raman spectroscopy experts at the Universities of Nottingham and Glasgow have designed and built a new instrument which could help scientists learn more about how…

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From  Jane Icke 0 likes 131 plays 0  

New materials paving the way for the next generation of solar devices

The University of Nottingham’s cross cutting energy research is leading the way in the development of new solar energy technologies that could have global impact. Energy Technologies…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Nott Carbon

The University of Nottingham has continued to grow over the period 2010-15 and significant investment has been needed to achieve its corporate carbon emission targets and to reduce energy consumption…

From  Tom Travis 0 likes 5 plays 0  

New material forges the way for ‘stem cell factories’ of the future

Experts at The University of Nottingham have discovered the first fully synthetic material with potential to grow billions of stem cells. The discovery could forge the way for the creation of…

From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 425 plays 0  

Can we mend a broken heart?

Stem cell scientists at The University of Nottingham are working on it. More tomorrow!

From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 109 plays 0  

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria helps crops to 'feed' themselves

World changing technology developed by experts at The University of Nottingham enables crops to take nitrogen from the air reducing the use of expensive and environmentally damaging fertilisers.

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Solar Cells

Today's solar cells convert just a third of the sun's energy into electricity. Will you help optimise solar power to secure clean and sustainable energy? For more on the Impact Campaign…

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From  Digital Communications 0 likes 19 plays 0