00:17duration 17 seconds
Equine gait: Cranial and caudal phase of stride
00:28duration 28 seconds
Equine gait: Stride
00:16duration 16 seconds
Equine gait: Canter
Equine gait: Trot
00:35duration 35 seconds
Equine gait: Walk
00:14duration 14 seconds
Gait analysis of the horse: Clip 8
Please note this video has no audio
00:15duration 15 seconds
Gait analysis of the horse: Clip 7
00:08duration 8 seconds
Gait analysis of the horse: Clip 6
00:07duration 7 seconds
Gait analysis of the horse: Clip 5
Gait analysis of the horse: Clip 4
00:11duration 11 seconds
Gait analysis of the horse: Clip 3
00:33duration 33 seconds
Gait analysis of the dog: Clip 9
This video shows a greyhound running around a…