Search for tag: "svms"

Basic handling techniques and interacting with cats

A video demonstrating how to: - Interact with cats - Restrain for cephalic and jugular venepuncture - Use a pill popper - Administer oral medication - Administer eye and ear drops - Use a restrainer…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 48 plays 0  

Clinical examination of the cat

A video demonstrating how to perform a clinical examination of the cat.

From  Beth Lee 0 likes 54 plays 0  

Anatomy of the nasal cavities of the horse

Description of the anatomy of the nasal cavities in the horse, including turbinates, conchae, meatus

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From  Erica Gummery 0 likes 59 plays 0  

Vaginourethrocystoscopy in the bitch

Video of the bitch urogenital system.

From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Lame horse

This video shows a lame horse.

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From  Florence Hillen 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Pain assessment in the horse: Case 7

A video of a painful horse.

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From  Florence Hillen 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Pain assessment in the horse: Case 4

A video of a painful horse.

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From  Florence Hillen 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Pain assessment in the horse: Case 1

A video of a painful horse.

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From  Florence Hillen 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Discover MSc in Veterinary Physiotherapy at Nottingham

This short video with on screen text enables prospective students to discover more about what to expect from the MSc in Veterinary Physiotherapy course at Nottingham, showcasing the campus and…

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From  Emma Palfreyman 0 likes 279 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for ventrodorsal spine

A video demonstrating how to position for a ventrodorsal view of the lumbar spine. As mentioned in the video, ensure you measure the tissue depth first, so you know whether or not a grid is needed.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 59 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for lateral thorax

A video demonstrating how to position for a right lateral radiographic view of the thorax.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 297 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for dorsoventral thorax

A video demonstrating how to position for a dorsoventral radiographic view of the thorax.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 259 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for mediolateral stifle

A video demonstrating how to position for a radiograph of the stifle in the mediolateral view. Ensure you measure the tissue depth of the area of interest (abdomen) before positioning, so you know if…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 95 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for mediolateral shoulder

A video demonstrating how to position for a shoulder radiography in the mediolateral view. Ensure you measure the tissue depth of the area of interest (abdomen) before positioning, so you know if a…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 65 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for caudocranial shoulder

A video demonstrating how to position for a radiograph of the shoulder in the caudocranial view. Ensure you measure the tissue depth of the area of interest (abdomen) before positioning, so you know…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for caudocranial stifle

A video demonstrating how to position for a radiograph of the stifle in the caudocranial view. Ensure you measure the tissue depth of the area of interest (abdomen) before positioning, so you know if…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 89 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for lateral lumbar spine

A video demonstrating how to position for a radiograph of the lateral lumbar spine. Ensure you measure the tissue depth of the area of interest (abdomen) before positioning, so you know if a grid is…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Anaesthesia consolidation

This video shows the anaesthesia process for a bitch spay from beginning to end to help consolidate previous learning.

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From  Tracy Henderson 0 likes 200 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for right lateral abdomen

A video demonstrating how to position for a radiograph of the right lateral abdomen (for left, lay in left lateral recumbency and use a L marker). Ensure you measure the tissue depth of the area of…

From  Beth Lee 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Feline upper carnassial

Small animal dental radiography.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 42 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Lower premolars and molars

Small animal dental radiography.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Upper premolars and molars

Small animal dental radiography.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Upper incisors

Small animal dental radiography.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 38 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Upper canine

Small animal dental radiography.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Lower canines lateral recumbency

Small animal dental radiography positioning.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Lower canines dorsal recumbency

Small animal dental radiography positioning.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 52 plays 0  

Dental radiography: Set-up and parallel (caudal lower premolars and molars)

Small animal dental radiography positioning.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 59 plays 0  

Dental charting

Charting and recording findings from a canine dental procedure.

From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 59 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for ventrodorsal abdomen

Radiographic positioning for ventrodorsal abdomen. Please note, you should measure tissue depth to ascertain whether a grid is needed before positioning.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 61 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for ventrodorsal hips/pelvis

A video demonstrating how to position for a radiographic view of the hips/pelvis. As mentioned in the video, please note, you should measure tissue depth to ascertain whether a grid is needed before…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 434 plays 0  

Challenging conversations: An example

Student communicating a with a simulated client about a missed diagnosis and need for the horse to be referred for surgery

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From  Louise Corah 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Radiography equipment

This video discusses the different equipment used in radiography, including the machine head, cassette, grid, dosimeter badge & labels.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 155 plays 0  

Equine rectal examination

This video shows a rectal examination using a model horse.

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From  Mark Stroyd 0 likes 147 plays 0  

Positioning aids for radiography

A video showcasing the different positioning aids and their uses in radiography.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 121 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for craniocaudal elbow

A video demonstrating how to position for radiography for a craniocaudal elbow view. Please note, it is important to measure tissue depth prior to positioning, too, to determine whether a grid is…

From  Beth Lee 0 likes 314 plays 0  

Radiography positioning for mediolateral elbow

A video demonstrating how to position for radiography for a mediolateral elbow view. Please note, you should measure the tissue depth prior to positioning, too, to determine whether a grid is needed.

From  Beth Lee 0 likes 331 plays 0  

Bandaging an O-tube in place

This video shows how to bandage an O-tube in place.

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From  Kerry Williams 0 likes 76 plays 0  

O-tube removal

This video shows an O-tube being removed from a cat.

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From  Kerry Williams 0 likes 70 plays 0  

O-tube feeding

This video shows a cat being fed through an O-tube.

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From  Kerry Williams 0 likes 71 plays 0  

Coughing dog

An example of an upper respiratory sounding cough

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From  Kerry Williams 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Oxygen concentrator on anaesthetic machines

This video shows how to set up an oxygen concentrator with an anaesthetic machine and perform a leak test. Please note: the short clip of turning the oxygen cylinder on, that is currently situated…

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From  Georgina Bladon 0 likes 469 plays 0  

Introduction to Clinical Relevance

This video provides an overview to clinical relevance at Nottingham Veterinary School. Here we describe the purpose of the sessions and the requirements of students, alongside expectations of staff…

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From  Rebecca Blanchard 0 likes 154 plays 0  

Vet BLUE and TFAST examination

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From  Amy Wieser 0 likes 284 plays 0  

AFAST examination

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From  Amy Wieser 0 likes 307 plays 0  

Tortoise handling and restraint

This video demonstrates basic tortoise handling and restraint techniques. It can be used to support the AHW practicals, in preparation for DOPs and general revision of techniques.

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From  Emily Dixon 0 likes 724 plays 0  

Rabbit handling and restraint

This video demonstrates basic rabbit handling and restraint techniques. It can be used to support the AHW practicals, in preparation for DOPs and general revision of techniques.

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From  Emily Dixon 0 likes 909 plays 0  

Snake handling and restraint

This video demonstrates basic handling and restraint techniques in snakes. The video can be used to support the AHW practicals, in preparation for DOPs and general revision of techniques.

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From  Emily Dixon 0 likes 827 plays 0  

Bearded dragon handling and restraint

This video demonstrates basic handling and restraint techniques for bearded dragons. It can be used to support the AHW practicals, in preparation for DOPs and general revision of techniques.

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From  Emily Dixon 0 likes 861 plays 0  

Restraining a dog for venepuncture

This video safely demonstrates how to safely and correctly restrain a dog for venepuncture from the cephalic vein and venepuncture from the jugular vein.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 548 plays 0  

Taking a heart rate

This video demonstrates how to correctly use a stethoscope and how to take a heart rate in a dog (applicable for other small animals)

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 322 plays 0  

Retrieving a dog from the kennel area

This video incorporates procedures within kennels, retrieving a dog from their kennel and how to open/close the kennel doors.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 447 plays 0  

Opening and closing the kennel doors

This video demonstrates how to open and close the kennel doors.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 252 plays 0  

How to get a dog out a kennel

This video demonstrates how to safely get a dog out of the kennel.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 394 plays 0  

What to do when in the kennel room

A video demonstrating the procedures which need to be carried out before approaching the kennel to obtain a dog. This includes checking information cards and the whiteboard, what each mean and why…

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 357 plays 0  

Assessing your environment when handling dogs

A video to demonstrate the assessment of the environment and bay safety when handling dogs during a practical.

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From  Beth Lee 0 likes 384 plays 0  

Tableting/medicating a dog

This video demonstrates how to administer medication to a canine.

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From  Amy Muggleton 0 likes 209 plays 0  

Two person dog lift

This video demonstrates the how to lift a medium to large canine. The weight limit can vary from 20-25kg and over. This video is complimented with the 1-person lift.

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From  Amy Muggleton 1 likes 819 plays 0  

One person dog lift

This video demonstrates the different ways to lift a small/medium dog. The weight limit can vary from 20-25kg and under. However, using a 2 person lift technique under that weight bracket is also an…

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From  Amy Muggleton 0 likes 1,008 plays 0  

Applying a basket muzzle

This video demonstrates how to apply a basket muzzle on a canine. It is complimented by other videos, such as, how to apply a tape muzzle and types of dog muzzles.

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From  Amy Muggleton 0 likes 617 plays 0  

Applying a tape muzzle

This video demonstrates how to apply a tape muzzle on a canine. It is complimented by other videos like types of muzzles and how to apply a basket muzzle.

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From  Amy Muggleton 0 likes 654 plays 0  

Types of dog muzzles

This video demonstrates types of muzzles used in canine handling. It is complimented by additional videos on basket and tape muzzles.

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From  Amy Muggleton 0 likes 523 plays 0  

Dog handling

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From  Malcolm Cobb 0 likes 52 plays 0  

Laying a dog in lateral recumbency

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From  Malcolm Cobb 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Restraining a large dog

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From  Malcolm Cobb 0 likes 365 plays 0  

Scruffing a dog

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From  Malcolm Cobb 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Using a dog catcher

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From  Malcolm Cobb 0 likes 30 plays 0  

IV catheter placement

This video demonstrates placing an intravenous cannula in a part-task trainer.

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From  Jennifer Smith 0 likes 68 plays 0  

Introduction to working with farm animals

This video provides an introduction to working safely with farm species.

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From  Andrea Clarkson 0 likes 127 plays 0  

High tone gait in the dog

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Emptying the canine anal sac

This video shows a clinician emptying both the left and right anal sac of a dog. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 111 plays 0  

Elbow osteoarthritis in the dog: Gait

This video demonstrates a dog with severe elbow OA walking towards camera. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 26 plays 1  

Animal interactions

This video is an introduction in to animal interactions.

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From  Phillip Hammond 0 likes 479 plays 0  

Experiencing imposter syndrome as a new farm graduate

This video shows a new grad talking about imposter syndrome.

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From  Caroline Quarmby 0 likes 53 plays 0  

Experiencing imposter syndrome as a new graduate in small animal practice

This video shows a new grad talking about imposter syndrome.

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From  Caroline Quarmby 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Experiencing imposter syndrome as a new small animal graduate at PDSA

This video shows a new grad talking about imposter syndrome.

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From  Caroline Quarmby 0 likes 48 plays 0  

Portfolio Careers Episode 3

Episode 3 of our Portfolio Careers Podcasts.

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From  Emma Drinkall 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques: Wringing

This video shows canine wringing massage technique. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques: Vibrations

This video demonstrates canine vibration massage technique. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques: Tapping

This video demonstrates canine tapping massage technique. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques: Rolling

This video demonstrates canine rolling massage technique. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques: Kneading

This video demonstrates canine kneading massage technique. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques: Effleurage

This video demonstrates canine effleurage massage technique. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques: Compression

This video demonstrates canine compression massage technique. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Canine massage techniques

This video demonstrates a range of canine massage techniques. Please note, this video has no associated audio.

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From  Karen Goodall 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Poor cattle handling

This video demonstrates unsafe cattle handling and the potential consequences of doing so.

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From  Caroline Quarmby 0 likes 177 plays 0  

Skin scraping: Sample 2

This video shows a parasite from a skin scraping sample taken from a dog. Can you identify the parasite?

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From  Steve Shaw 0 likes 95 plays 0  

Skin scraping: Sample 1

This video shows a parasite from a skin scraping sample taken from a dog. Can you identify the parasite?

From  Steve Shaw 0 likes 408 plays 0  

Placing an oesophagostomy tube (o-tube)

This video demonstrates how to place an oesophagostomy tube for feeding support in a small animal patient.

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From  Georgina Bladon 0 likes 132 plays 0  

Abnormal swinging flashlight test in the dog

This video shows a dog with an abnormal pupillary light reflex. Can you determine which eye has the abnormal response?

From  Lucy Hughes 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Foot

This video demonstrates examination of the foot in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching.

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 301 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Distal limb

This video demonstrates palpation of the distal limb in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching. We recommend you view the 'Forelimb palpation in the horse: Foot' video…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 378 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Antebrachium and carpus

This video demonstrates palpation of the antebrachium and carpus in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching. We recommend you view the 'Forelimb palpation in the horse: Distal…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 363 plays 0  

Forelimb palpation in the horse: Elbow and shoulder

This video demonstrates palpation of the scapula, shoulder and elbow in the horse and should be referred to during Year 4 teaching. We recommend you view the 'Forelimb palpation in the horse:…

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From  Sarah Freeman 0 likes 394 plays 0  

Cattle quick release knot

This video demonstrates the quick release knot used for cattle. Please note this video has no associated audio.

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From  Vicki Onions 0 likes 230 plays 0  

Ventral midline coeliotomy

This video explains how to perform a ventral midline coeliotomy (abdominal incision) in dogs. Please note this video has no associated audio.

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From  Kerry Williams 0 likes 370 plays 0  

Ovariohysterectomy in the bitch: Use of a Hauptman retractor

This video demonstrates the use of a Hauptman retractor during ovariohysterectomy / ovariectomy in the bitch.

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From  Rob White 0 likes 316 plays 0  

Ovariohysterectomy in the bitch: Use of a Dowling retractor

This video demonstrates the use of a Dowling retractor when performing an ovariohysterectomy / ovariectomy.

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From  Rob White 0 likes 289 plays 0  

Ovariohysterectomy in the bitch: Ligation of the ovarian pedicle using modified Miller's knot

This video demonstrates ligation pedicle using modified Miller's knot.

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From  Rob White 0 likes 707 plays 0  

Ovariohysterectomy in the bitch: Ligation of the cervix

This video demonstrates ligation of the cervix during ovariohysterectomy in the bitch.

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From  Rob White 0 likes 328 plays 0  

Ligation of a closed castration in the dog

This video demonstrates ligature placement during closed castration in the dog.

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From  Rob White 0 likes 584 plays 0