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Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328) was a famous Muslim jurist from Damascus. This video, part of a series on the concept of benefit (maslaha) in Ibn Taymiyya’s thought, explores how he viewed benefit and…
The Book of Jonah, one of the shortest texts in the Bible,
is often seen as a simple short story – and it is this, but it is also
something more. The argument of Dr Doug Ingram in this video…
Dr Musharraf Hussain speaks about Islamic belief in Prophets with Dr Jon Hoover. Dr Hussain defines the role of the Prophets, distinguishes between a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasul), explains…
Dr Carly Crouch and Tarah Van De Wiele discuss how crime – a wrong breaking a law – and the punishment of crime are dealt with in the Hebrew Bible /Old Testament. Crime and its punishment…
Christians use a vast library of Jewish writings from the time before Jesus in their worship, reflection, and study – and they call this library ‘the Old Testament.’ In this video…
Christians use a vast library of Jewish writings from the time before Jesus in their worship, reflection, and study – and they call this library ‘the Old Testament.’ In this video…