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Dr Sara Parks introduces an important group in Second Temple Judaism. This group, whose most famous member is probably Paul, is seemingly familiar from the Christian scriptures – but they…
Dr Sara Parks looks at what resurrection meant within Second Temple Judaism in order to shed light on what was at stake in resurrection discourse among early Jesus movements. The thumbnail for this…
Dr Sara Parks introduces the text that lies behind the gospels of Matthew and Luke – to which we give the name ‘Q’. In turn, this allows her to study what this text says about women…
Dr Sara Parks introduces the text that lies behind the gospels of Matthew and Luke – to which we give the name ‘Q’. This notion of Q was put forward to explain a literary problem:…
Prof. Thomas O’Loughlin discusses with Dr Sara Parks the origins of the Christian notion of a ‘gospel’ and how it moved from being a political notion in the Roman Empire, to being a…