Search for tag: "nusearch"

Introduction to NUsearch

Your introduction to the university's library discovery tool, NUsearch. You can use NUsearch to find print and online resources, place requests, find help and manage your library account. …

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From  Emma Halford-Busby 0 likes 626 plays 0  

Vlog: Finding and borrowing books using NUsearch

Computer Science with AI student, Andrew shares his experience of using the library discovery tool NUsearch to find and borrow a book from Hallward Library on University Park.

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From  Emma Halford-Busby 0 likes 39 plays 0  

New look NUsearch 2017/18

In Summer 2017 LRLR (Libraries) changed and improved NUsearch, your online library discovery tool. NUsearch lets you search and access all our physical and digital resources and collections, as well…

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From  Helen Frost 0 likes 1,160 plays 0