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The Nottingham Advantage Award is the University of Nottingham's free employability scheme that helps you prepare for the job market and formally recognises 200 extracurricular activities.
Student ambassadors from the School of Health Sciences discuss how the role has helped them develop their skills and time at The University of Nottingham, as well as how it already has and will help…
The award-winning Nottingham Advantage Award builds on students' extracurricular interests and personalises their career development. Listen to contributions from the graduate recruiter…
Undergraduate civil engineering student, Munshif Munzir, talks about the Nottingham Advantage Award and his shortlisting for the Vice Chancellor's Award.
Undergraduate electrical and electronic engineering student, Dinusha Serandi Gunwardena, talks about studying for the Nottingham Advantage Award and being nominated for the Vice Chancellor's…
Undergraduate international relations student, Nur Farah, talks about her experiences studying abroad at The University of Nottingham UK for a semester of her degree.
Graduates need more than academic knowledge and skills to stand out from the crowd in today's competitive global job market.
Will you help promote the employability of our graduates?