19:31duration 19 minutes 31 seconds
Kathryn Moss - Connecting with the Professions,…
Kathryn Moss - Connecting with the Professions, Teaching and Learning Seminar 2nd December 2015
Kathryn Moss at 2nd December 2015 Teaching and…
18:34duration 18 minutes 34 seconds
December 2013 E-Learning community - Gordon Joyes…
December 2013 E-Learning community - Gordon Joyes - Mahara
Gordon Joyes talks about the e-portfolio…
10:33duration 10 minutes 33 seconds
December 2013 E-Learning community - Susanna Ison…
December 2013 E-Learning community - Susanna Ison - Mahara
December 2013 E-Learning community -…
24:05duration 24 minutes 5 seconds
December 2013 E-Learning community - Kirstie…
December 2013 E-Learning community - Kirstie Coolin & Judith Wayte - Mahara