Search for tag: "lambing"

The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science

The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science is research focused, highly rated by our students, and has a tradition of winning awards. Watch the video to find out more. Visit the website for…

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From  Caroline Watson 0 likes 4,743 plays 0  

Open days: vets - ultrasound, lambing, calving, stitching and CPR

If you're visiting the University for an open day, this is what you could have a go at in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science. For more information about the School of Veterinary…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 1,773 plays 0  

Schmallenberg virus — a 'grim' picture for 2013

Researchers at The University of Nottingham say Schmallenberg Virus — which causes deformities and neurological defects in unborn lambs and calves — has made a grim return this year.…

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 24 plays 0