02:39duration 2 minutes 39 seconds
No-2-Noise H2020 aerospace project: reducing…
No-2-Noise H2020 aerospace project: reducing noise emission in aircraft
No-2-Noise (H2020 ITN Grant No 765472) brings…
02:17duration 2 minutes 17 seconds
SAFE-FLY H2020 aerospace project: designing a…
SAFE-FLY H2020 aerospace project: designing a novel structural health monitoring system
SAFE-FLY (H2020 ITN Grant No 721455) brings…
03:05duration 3 minutes 5 seconds
OptiMACS H2020 project: Optimisation of…
OptiMACS H2020 project: Optimisation of Multifunctional Aerospace Composite Structures
OptiMACS (H2020 ITN Grant No 764650) brings…
00:53duration 53 seconds
What if? Aerospace at Nottingham
Are you interested in the science behind flying…
39:04duration 39 minutes 4 seconds
Towards A Silent Aircraft - Professor Dame Ann…
Towards A Silent Aircraft - Professor Dame Ann Dowling
Professor Dame Ann Dowling is President of the…