Search for tag: "flight"

No-2-Noise H2020 aerospace project: reducing noise emission in aircraft

No-2-Noise (H2020 ITN Grant No 765472) brings together a team of enthusiastic researchers to develop novel materials and design approaches for silent and lightweight multifunctional sound packages,…

From  Sarah Fletcher 0 likes 17 plays 0  

SAFE-FLY H2020 aerospace project: designing a novel structural health monitoring system

SAFE-FLY (H2020 ITN Grant No 721455) brings together a team of enthusiastic researchers that will eventually propose the blue print for a novel, reliable and lightweight SHM integrated system,…

From  Sarah Fletcher 0 likes 35 plays 0  

OptiMACS H2020 project: Optimisation of Multifunctional Aerospace Composite Structures

OptiMACS (H2020 ITN Grant No 764650) brings together a team of enthusiastic researchers to develop, deliver and implement novel, accurate and efficient structural Multidisciplinary Design…

From  Sarah Fletcher 0 likes 21 plays 0  

What if? Aerospace at Nottingham

Are you interested in the science behind flying and want to learn more about aircraft design and manufacture? Our course will help you learn the skills and advanced knowledge needed to work in this…

From  Vivianne Whitney 0 likes 2,359 plays 0  

Towards A Silent Aircraft - Professor Dame Ann Dowling

Professor Dame Ann Dowling is President of the Royal Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the Royal Society. She is a mechanical engineer specialising in low emission combustion, acoustics and…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 193 plays 0