03:06duration 3 minutes 6 seconds
Inspect-a-Gadget - Waste not, Want not!
Gerald Busca explains how his gadget can…
04:34duration 4 minutes 34 seconds
Inspect-a-Gadget - Measuring where no measurer…
Inspect-a-Gadget - Measuring where no measurer has gone before!
Cris explains how the Environmental Technology…
04:10duration 4 minutes 10 seconds
Inspect-a-Gadget - The lighter side of life!
Laura explains why the right type of light is so…
04:04duration 4 minutes 4 seconds
Inspect-a-Gadget - It's just a phase or…
Inspect-a-Gadget - It's just a phase or three!
Gerald Busca explains how the Environmental…
03:16duration 3 minutes 16 seconds
Our experts make it rain inside Nottingham…
Our experts make it rain inside Nottingham Contemporary!
It's not every day our experts are asked to…