00:58duration 58 seconds
Electro-mechanical Engineer Degree Apprenticeship…
Electro-mechanical Engineer Degree Apprenticeship Case Study with TPR | University of Nottingham
Hear from TPR, a partner employer, how an…
02:23duration 2 minutes 23 seconds
Data Science Degree Apprenticeship Showcase 2023…
Data Science Degree Apprenticeship Showcase 2023 | University of Nottingham
Discover our Data Science Degree Apprenticeship…
03:29duration 3 minutes 29 seconds
Data Science Degree Apprenticeship Case Study…
Data Science Degree Apprenticeship Case Study with Cosy Direct | University of Nottingham
Hear from Cosy Direct, a partner employer, how…
00:59duration 59 seconds
Degree Apprenticeships at the University of…
Degree Apprenticeships at the University of Nottingham
Discover how a Degree Apprenticeship at the…
01:00duration 1 minute 0 seconds
Degree Apprenticeships for SMEs
Discover how Degree Apprenticeships at the…
02:05duration 2 minutes 5 seconds
#UnisForNottingham | For the ambitious
Husna Gul is a degree apprentice at Nottingham…