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00:29duration 29 seconds
Cerebellar hypoplasia in cattle
06:15duration 6 minutes 15 seconds
Treating conjuntivitis (dry eye) in the dog
00:18duration 18 seconds
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Visual placing
00:14duration 14 seconds
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Tracking
00:08duration 8 seconds
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Menace response
00:06duration 6 seconds
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Maze test
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Indirect pupillary…
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Indirect pupillary light reflex with lights on
00:03duration 3 seconds
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Indirect pupillary light reflex with lights off
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Direct pupillary…
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Direct pupillary light reflex
00:05duration 5 seconds
Ophthalmic exam techniques: Dazzle response
10:22duration 10 minutes 22 seconds
Examining the eye in the dog
This video demonstrates how to perform a safe examination of the eye.
Nervous signs in pigs: Paddling
This video demonstrates the typical manifestations of neurological disease in pigs.
00:19duration 19 seconds
Nervous signs in pigs: Twitching
00:10duration 10 seconds
Nervous signs in pigs: Change in squeak
00:27duration 27 seconds
Nervous signs in pigs: Agitation
This video demonstrates the typical manifestations of neurological disease in pigs, for example water deprivation.
Ataxia in the calf
This video shows a calf exhibiting typical signs of ataxia (lack of muscle coordination).