Search for tag: "cbtrc"

Every time you give, you give moments like these. Thank you.

For all the hours of research, the studies and…

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From  Thomas Hills 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Join our Superhero Walk

Grab your capes and join our 5km family friendly…

From  Thomas Hills 0 likes 312 plays 0  

Rebecca's story: Children's Brain Tumour Research

Sue Clark talks to us about her daughter Rebecca,…

From  Wasim Chaudry 0 likes 274 plays 0  

Impact - The Nottingham Campaign

In this short film we meet some of the people…

+13 More
From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 900 plays 0  

Impact: the first £100m

Celebrating the first £100 million raised…

From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 1,091 plays 0  

Update: Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre

Dr David Walker tells us where the CBTRC has…

+11 More
From  Digital Communications 0 likes 120 plays 0