Search for tag: "slavery"

Sparta Live: Adapting slavery to Spartan Society

Sparta Live! Adapting Slavery to Spartan Society Join us and Dr David Lewis for a discussion about Spartan helotage According to G.E.M. de Ste Croix (Origins of the Peloponnesian War, London…

From  Hannah O'Regan 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Slavery modelling - Professor Thomas Chesney and Dr Alexander Trautrims

Solving modern slavery and labour exploitation is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Our research is to understand what works to stop labour exploitation by building computer models for…

From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 250 plays 0  

Eradication of Modern Slavery - Professor Thomas Chesney

The research group that we’re part of is aiming to eradicate modern slavery around the world by 2030. The team builds computer models of industries to develop hypotheses that support the ending…

From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 69 plays 0  

Modern slavery in agriculture supply chains

Dr Alexander Trautrims, Associate Professor in Supply Chain and Operations Management talks about the modelling techniques he uses in research to help policymakers make good decisions uncover modern…

From  Victoria Wrigley 0 likes 39 plays 0  

University of Nottingham Knowledge Exchange and Impact Awards 2018

The discovery of new bacteria-resistant plastics to reduce the incidence of hospital acquired-infections, one of the UK's most significant heritage regeneration projects, a one-in-a-million…

From  Robert Ounsworth 0 likes 184 plays 0  

Discovery. For the world

Real world research. Real world impact. Our research knows no limits. Our discoveries change lives across the globe. Discover more about our world-changing research:

From  Sophie Moyses 1 likes 2,572 plays 0  

Episode 1: Introduction

This episode introduces the series, explaining what economic and social rights are, where they come from, and how they fit into international human rights law.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 584 plays 0  

Episode 2: What are Economic and Social Rights Obligations?

This episode provides a general overview of economic and social rights duties.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 689 plays 0  

Episode 3: Progressive Realisation

This episode focuses on one of the key overarching obligations imposed by economic and social rights: progressive realisation.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 448 plays 0  

Episode 4: Maximum Available Resources

This episode addresses one of the most commonly misunderstood obligations imposed by economic and social rights: the duty of states to use the maximum of their available resources to give effect to…

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 386 plays 0  

Episode 6: The Minimum Core Obligation

This episode focuses on the duty of states to ensure the satisfaction of minimum essential levels of economic and social rights.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 315 plays 0  

Episode 5: Retrogression

This episode focuses on the presumption under international human rights law against the permissibility of retrogression – or backward steps – in terms of economic and social rights…

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 322 plays 0  

Episode 9: Work Rights

This episode outlines work rights (specifically the right to work and the right to just and favourable conditions of work), what they protect, and what they require of governments

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 98 plays 0  

Episode 10: The Right to Education

This episode outlines the right to education, what it protects, and what it requires of governments.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 126 plays 0  

Episode 11: Economic and Social Rights, Living Standards and Poverty

This episode addresses the connections between economic and social rights, living standards and poverty.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 152 plays 0  

Episode 12: International Enforcement Processes

In this episode, we will focus on the ways in which states can be held accountable for their implementation of their economic and social rights duties under international law.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 126 plays 0  

Episode 8: The Right to Social Security

This episode outlines the right to social security, what it protects, and what it requires of governments.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 161 plays 0  

Episode 7: The Right to Adequate Housing

This episode outlines the right to adequate housing, what it protects, and what it requires of governments.

From  Everdien Wood 0 likes 201 plays 0  

Helping to end global slavery

There are 46 million people enslaved around the world today. Yet we are at a tipping point: there is a global political commitment to ending slavery by 2030. Our research is helping to end…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 777 plays 0  

Slavery and Liberation MA

There are more slaves alive today than at any point in history. Around the world, nearly 46 million people are forced to work against their will for no pay. Our MA Slavery and Liberation offers you…

From  Jocelyn Daniels 0 likes 261 plays 0  

Securing rights and justice for all

We are the world's largest group of rights and justice scholars and advise governments and NGOs around the globe on the creation of sustainable, open and creative societies. More information:…

From  Robert Ounsworth 0 likes 62 plays 0  

Ending Slavery Course Promotional Video

Promo video for Ending Slavery MOOC an upcoming course on the Future Learn platform featuring Professor Kevin Bales, Professor Zoe Trodd and Dr Katie Donington. To find out more and sign up for the…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 400 plays