Search for tag: "school of physics and astronomy"

Physics and Astronomy 360 facilities tour

Take a look around the Physics and Astronomy building to see our range of facilities and study spaces.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 168 plays 0  

Levitation recreates nature's dumbbells

Using magnetic levitation to imitate weightlessness, researchers led by physicists at The University of Nottingham have manufactured solid wax models of splash form tektites – the tiny…

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From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 567 plays 0  

Growing graphene – blue sky research attempts to replicate nature

A truly ground-breaking experiment at The University of Nottingham could herald the creation of graphene and boron nitride layers in a controlled way at a scale never thought possible before. If…

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From  Elizabeth Cass 0 likes 1,020 plays 0