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Kevin McGinnell and Tom O’Loughlin discuss the challenge of creating an incarnational liturgy fifty years after the close of the Second Vatican Council.
Dealing with the body of someone who has died – generically referred to as ‘disposal’ – is a crucial intersection of social custom, religious practices, human ritual,…
Dr Simeon Zahl describes his experience, as an American, of
celebrating a relatively modern festival: Thanksgiving in the United States of America.A similar video from the Sacred Calendars…
All religions use time as a central element
in the way they celebrate. They have a sacred year – a sequence of festivals
arranged in an annual cycle. Most also have a sacred month or a sacred…
Rabbi Mendy Lent explains the significance of the festival of Rosh Hashanah to the Jewish people. This festival represents the start of the Jewish New Year.
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Professor Tom O'Loughlin and Rabbi Mendy Lent discuss the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement when Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and…
All religions use time as a central element
in the way they celebrate. They have a sacred year – a sequence of festivals
arranged in an annual cycle. Here Rabbi Mendy Lent introduces one of…
All religions use time as a central element in the way they celebrate. They have a sacred year – a sequence of festivals arranged in an annual cycle. Here Rabbi Mendy Lent introduces the…
Rabbi Mendi Lent, who lives in Nottingham, describes the origins of the feast of Hanukkah and how it commemorates the time of the Maccabees and what it means for Jews today: lighting a flame is a…
Professor Tom O'Loughlin examines the various meanings of the word, 'apocrypha' in Christian discourse - and how it can never be used in a neutral sense.
Most of the time of most humans for most of history has been spent obtaining and preparing food for our survival. So for theists, food is both the gift of God and the work of human hands, and each…
Dr Peter Watts explores the range of approaches to the Bible that are encompassed in the term ‘biblical studies.’ He brings out that while the study of the Bible exists as part of…