Search for tag: "product design and manufacture"

Glyn Lawson, Engineering masters programmes interview

Glyn Lawson talks Engineering masters programme…

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From  Debs Storey 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Mechanical Engineering Design Showcase 2018

Take a look around some of the student designs on…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 232 plays 0  

Steve Cave - Future Engineer (2)

Steve Cave, undergraduate studying Product Design…

From  Alice Pearmain 0 likes 85 plays 0  

Steve, Future Engineer at The University of Nottingham

Steve Cave, undergraduate studying Product Design…

From  Tom Travis 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Guy Cowdry - MEng Product Design and Manufacture

Guy gives an insight into life as an M3 student.

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From  Digital Communications 0 likes 874 plays 0