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01:45duration 1 minute 45 seconds
Support in Immunology Degrees with Luisa…
Support in Immunology Degrees with Luisa Martinez-Pomares
Luisa Martinez-Pomares talks about the support given to students in the Immunology degrees in the school.
02:05duration 2 minutes 5 seconds
An overview of Immunology with Luisa…
An overview of Immunology with Luisa Martinez-Pomares
Luisa Martinez-Pomares talks about the Immunology degrees in the school.
01:19duration 1 minute 19 seconds
Careers in Immunology with Luisa Martinez-Pomares
Luisa Martinez-Pomares talks about the careers after an Immunology degree in the school.
01:23duration 1 minute 23 seconds
Academic expertise in Immunology with Luisa…
Academic expertise in Immunology with Luisa Martinez-Pomares
Luisa Martinez-Pomares talks about the academic expertise in Immunology in the school