Search for tag: "pastoral"

#UoNFreshers - Getting support

Need some help navigating University life? Whether you need academic, administrative, financial or personal support, there are experts on campus ready to help you. Watch the video to find out more.…

From  Debs Storey 0 likes 155 plays 0  

Why Study the act of Cremation with Kevin McGinnell

Dealing with the body of someone who has died – generically referred to as ‘disposal’ – is a crucial intersection of social custom, religious practices, human ritual,…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Theologians in Conversation; Where are we in Liturgical Scholarship?

Monsignor Kevin McGinnell discusses with Professor Tom O’Loughlin two questions. First, what does it means to celebrate liturgy today; and second, how does the study of liturgy relate to other…

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 14 plays 0