Search for tag: "overseas"

Study Abroad Myths

Despite the growing interest and the amazing…

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From  brzmq 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Why should you study abroad?

Hear from a group of Nottingham students who…

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From  brzmq 0 likes 1,106 plays 0  

An overview of our Malaysia Campus

Our Malaysia campus, situated approximately 30km…

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 871 plays 0  

A guided tour of our Malaysia Campus

Join our students as they take you on a tour of…

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 16,182 plays 0  

Study abroad

Psychology student, Caroline Floyd, talks about…

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From  Digital Communications 0 likes 1,078 plays 0  


Students from the Business school discuss…

From  Digital Communications 0 likes 15 plays 0