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2017 marks the five-hundred anniversary of the beginning of the European Reformation. As part of a series of events to commemorate this event which has done so much to share modern Europe and…
Despite the passing of 500 years, the ideas of the Reformation are still exerting their influence on theology today. So argues Dr Simeon Zahl in this video where he notes that while these ideas are…
Until very recently the standard model for assessing the place of religion in the Enlightenment was one of simple opposition: Religion represented the superstition and darkness that the rational…
Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, looks at modern drama to explore how they describe the religious person and how within those stories there is a portrayal of holiness. This is…
Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, looks at three piece of contemporary fiction to explore how they descibe the religious person and how within those stories there is a portrayal of…