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Kevin McGinnell and Tom O’Loughlin discuss the challenge of creating an incarnational liturgy fifty years after the close of the Second Vatican Council.
Dealing with the body of someone who has died – generically referred to as ‘disposal’ – is a crucial intersection of social custom, religious practices, human ritual,…
Kevin McGinnell and Tom O’Loughlin discuss the complexity of how liturgy is perceived / received / celebrated in contemporary multi-ethnic urban Britain. An underlying assumption of most…
One of the major developments in Christianity in recent years has been the growth of ecumenical approaches to liturgy. Here one of the leaders of those conversations in the English-speaking world,…
Archbishop Kevin McDonald discusses with Prof. Tom
O’Loughlin how the Catholic Church sees the challenges facing ecumenism today:
there has been real progress on many of the historic issues…
Monsignor Kevin McGinnell discusses with Professor Tom O’Loughlin one of the most remarkable, but least remarked upon, developments among Christian churches working together in recent decades:…