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Dr Ali-reza Bhojani one of the key questions about morality that confronts theists: is the Good what God commands, or, is what God commands ‘the Good’?
Dr Ali-reza Bhojani introduced the notion that the basis of morality is not simply based in the acts of divine revelation, but is inherent in the moral order that human beings find within themselves.
We are the world's largest group of rights and justice scholars and advise governments and NGOs around the globe on the creation of sustainable, open and creative societies.
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Conor Cunningham introduces the issue of theism as
confronting ‘deep’ materialism and nihilism. The question that theologians must
address is not the traditional ‘is there…
As part of our AHRC-funded Connected Communities Project to create Nottingham's first black history mural, the Centre for Research in Race and Rights commissioned Panya Banjoko to write and…
In 2016, the University of Nottingham's Centre for Research in Race and Rights (C3R), which is part of the Research Priority Area in Rights and Justice, and the New Art Exchange joined together…
On April 21, 2016, the Research Priority Area in Rights and Justice at the University of Nottingham hosted a special lecture by Professor Todd Landman, a world-leading expert on human rights. He…
Dr Frances Knight introduces William Temple (1881-1944), Archbishop of Canterbury (1942-44) who has been described as the spiritual father of the Welfare State. A quintessential member of the…