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Despite the passing of 500 years, the ideas of the Reformation are still exerting their influence on theology today. So argues Dr Simeon Zahl in this video where he notes that while these ideas are…
How has the memory of the Reformation been an important element is the creation of English identity? In this video, Prof. Frances Knight argues that for an older generation – perhaps brought up…
How ever remember the past is related to how we see what is happening in our present. In this video Dr David Gehring – of Nottingham’s Department of History – looks at how our…
The reformers were faced with many challenges, but one that is often forgotten was the need to justify their actions historically. How did it come about that the church needed reform? To what image…
Prof. Frances Knight, an expert on the religious history of the late nineteenth century, examines the religious dimension of the cultural movements we associate with the term ‘Fin de…
Walter Walsh (1857-1931) published a book called The Secret History of the Oxford Movement in 1897. The book is examined in this video by Prof. Frances Knight, an expert on the religious history of…
There are many definitions of theology and in this video Dr Simeon Zahl shared his view of what he does as a theologian and why he thinks it important. He sees himself as engaging in a formal manner…
Footwashing has been part of the ritual inheritance of Christians since at least the time John composed his gospel, but it has also been a much misunderstood and avoided ritual. Here Thomas…
Edward Gibbon (1737-94) published his most famous work, The
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, in 1776. Famous or notorious in
presenting the rise of Christianity as the cause of the decline of…
Until very recently the standard model for assessing the place of religion in the Enlightenment was one of simple opposition: Religion represented the superstition and darkness that the rational…
Professor Jeremy Gregory examines the case that the history
of religion is as close as we can get to ‘total history’: looking at all
aspects of individuals in societies in the past in…
Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines what is meant when theologians refer to ‘the analogy of being’ (analogia entis). Other videos that look at the same topic include; Why Study the…
Dr Francisca Rumsey discusses the book know as the ‘maryrology’ with Prof. Tom O’Loughlin You can find other videos in the Sacred Calendars series here;…
Dr Doug Ingram and Dr Peter Watts look at one short and enigmatic biblical text: the Book of Ecclesiates – sometimes also called Qoheleth – and at the questions is poses not only to…
Dr Doug Ingram and Dr Peter Watts look at the value of studying that diverse library of books that go to make up the Old Testament. This has a value as an exploration of people quite apart from its…
Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines how the use of ‘X’ in everyday discourse is similar to the way that the word ‘god’ is used in Christian theology. Other videos in the…
Prof. Tom O’Loughlin examines what is meant by
the word ‘word’ and its complex uses in Christian theology Other videos in the A-Z of Theology series can be found here;…
Agata Bielik-Robson, Professor of Jewish Studies, looks at the notion of human finitude and offer a challenge to the views of Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) and his notion of ‘being towards…
Professor Alan Ford discusses the origins of sectarianism in Ireland by linking it to the Reformation's self-understanding of being in an apocalyptic struggle with the Antichrist - understood as…
Agata Bielik-Robson, Professor of Jewish Studies, uses the term ‘philosophical Marranos’ of a group of moderns thinkers, such as Levinas and Derrida, whose common Judaism may be a key to…
Many people ask ‘what does the bible say about sex and ethics’ and assume that there is a simple and consistent answer in the form of a set of ‘do’s and don’ts’!…