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The First World War was the single most important event is shaping modern European society. In this video Dr Stuart Bell discusses the myths that grew up about the Great War and religion.
Dr Doug Ingram and Dr Peter Watts look at one short and enigmatic biblical text: the Book of Ecclesiates – sometimes also called Qoheleth – and at the questions is poses not only to…
Dr Doug Ingram and Dr Peter Watts look at the value of studying that diverse library of books that go to make up the Old Testament. This has a value as an exploration of people quite apart from its…
Why bother with the study of theology in a university? Why bother with the study of religion – if you do not consider yourself religious? These are the questions address by two theologians…
The Book of Jonah, one of the shortest texts in the Bible,
is often seen as a simple short story – and it is this, but it is also
something more. The argument of Dr Doug Ingram in this video…