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John Milbank and Simon Oliver discuss the significance of
the work of Blessed Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) for the way we do theology
today. Nicholas, in challenging the role of the Principle of…
Professor Johannes Hoff – from Heythrop College in London – gave the 2013 Bonaventure lecture and proposed the case that modern theology needs to radically re-examine its assumptions…
Dr Dominic Erdozain argues that when one studies the words of Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) in the context of the religious life of seventeenth century Amsterdam and the people with whom he was in…
The Firth Memorial Lectureship was founded by the Reverend John d'ewe Evelyn Firth in memory of his father, John Benjamin Firth, Historian of Nottingham and his mother Helena Gertrude Firth. The…
The Firth Memorial Lectureship was founded by the Reverend John d'ewe Evelyn Firth in memory of his father, John Benjamin Firth, Historian of Nottingham and his mother Helena Gertrude Firth. The…