Search for tag: "day in the life"

Day in the life at the University of Nottingham

Megan shares her experiences of a day in the life at the University of Nottingham.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 736 plays 0  

A day in the life of an MPT student

Diveyaa is a second year Medical Physiology and Therapeutics student (MPT) at the University of Nottingham. Here she explains what a day in the life of an MT student looks like, what extra…

From  Laura Estrop 0 likes 116 plays 0  

Day in the life at the University of Nottingham

Uwa shares her experiences of a typical day in the life at the University of Nottingham.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 547 plays 0  

Day in the life at the University of Nottingham

Joanna shares her experiences of a typical day in the life at the University of Nottingham.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 666 plays 0  

Vlog: Week in the life of a PhD student (studying online from home)

Fiona shows what she got up to during the first week of her PhD studying from home.

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Vlog: Day in the life at uni during lockdown

Megan shares a typical day in the life as a student at the University of Nottingham during lockdown. Check out Megan's channel:

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Vlog: A day in the life at THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM

Sophie shows what an average day is like for a second year Philosophy student at the University of Nottingham. Sophie's channel:

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 72 plays 0  

Vlog: Productive study with me during lockdown

Lucy shows what it's like to study online during lockdown as she studies her lectures, seminars and workshops from home. Check out Lucy's…

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 1,012 plays 0  

Vlog: A week in the life at NOTTINGHAM UNI

Ali shares a week in her life at the University of Nottingham. Check out Ali's channel:

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 69 plays 0  

Experience a day in the life of a student in 360

Join us on a 360 journey through a day in the life of a student at The University of Nottingham. Please note that the video contains flashing lights at the end. Come and see for yourself at an open…

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From  Debs Storey 0 likes 95 plays 0  

Vlog: Day in the Life - Business School

Virginia shows you what a day in the life of the Business School is like. See more from Virginia

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From  Tom Travis 0 likes 89 plays 0  

A Day in the Life

Get a glimpse of a typical day at The University of Nottingham with Geography student Izzy Cross. To watch more Nottingham Experience videos visit…

From  Tom Travis 0 likes 2,052 plays 0