Search for tag: "clergy"

Theologians in Conversation; How to renew the liturgy post Vatican II

Kevin McGinnell and Tom O’Loughlin discuss the challenge of creating an incarnational liturgy fifty years after the close of the Second Vatican Council.

From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Why Study Religion and the Enlightenment in England and Europe with Jeremy Gregory

Until very recently the standard model for assessing the place of religion in the Enlightenment was one of simple opposition: Religion represented the superstition and darkness that the rational…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Why Study Heresy in the Later Middle Ages with Rob Lutton

Dr. Rob Lutton introduces the value to the historian of studying groups and individuals who were given the label of ‘heretics’ in the later middle ages. These groups point to diversity in…

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From  Simon Barnett 0 likes 68 plays 0