Search for tag: "choosing a specialty"

Medics: The benefits of networking during your Clinical Phase

Two F2 doctors, a fourth-year medical student and…

+4 More
From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 148 plays 0  

Medics: Maximise your time and build your CV during the Clinical Phase

Two F2 doctors and a fourth- year medical student…

+3 More
From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 156 plays 0  

Medics: Self awareness and reflection during your Clinical Phase

Two F2 doctors and a fourth-year medical student…

+5 More
From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 146 plays 0  

Medics: How your Clinical Phase can influence your career decision

Two F2 doctors and a fourth-year medical student…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 279 plays 0