Search for tag: "architecture students"

Architecture and Built Environment End of Year Show 2023

This is a video of exhibit!23 - the Architecture and Built Environment End of Year Show (2023)

From  Samuel Watkins 0 likes 448 plays 0  

Vlog: What is it like studying architecture at the University of Nottingham?

What is it really like studying Architecture at the University of Nottingham? Third year student Nana-Yaw gives you the lowdown. Read more about this course on our online prospectus. …

From  Samuel Watkins 1 likes 166 plays 0  

What does a sports consultant do? Richard Watton, alumnus, explains

Richard Watton, who works for The Sports Consultancy in London, talks about his role liaising with cities and sporting bodies to deliver high profile events. He also explores the skills you need and…

From  Jackie Thompson 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Impact: the first £100m

Celebrating the first £100 million raised for Impact: the Nottingham Campaign and how this money is already transforming lives locally, nationally and internationally. For more information…

From  Sarah Blythe 0 likes 1,091 plays 0