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This episode introduces the series, explaining what economic and social rights are, where they come from, and how they fit into international human rights law.
This episode addresses one of the most commonly misunderstood obligations imposed by economic and social rights: the duty of states to use the maximum of their available resources to give effect to…
This episode focuses on the presumption under international human rights law against the permissibility of retrogression – or backward steps – in terms of economic and social rights…
This episode outlines work rights (specifically the right to work and the right to just and favourable conditions of work), what they protect, and what they require of governments
In this episode, we will focus on the ways in which states can be held accountable for their implementation of their economic and social rights duties under international law.
We are the world's largest group of rights and justice scholars and advise governments and NGOs around the globe on the creation of sustainable, open and creative societies.
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