Daniel Student Experience | Pharmacy | University…
JiYoon In, an undergraduate student from South…
Listen to Nadia and Benedict talking about the…
Take a look around the facilities available to…
Our competitive, internally funded fellowships…
Our competitive, internally funded fellowships…
Students on the MSc in Drug Discovery and…
Pharmacy students explain how online cases are…
Pharmacy students explain how case-study based…
The students of the EPSRC sponsored Centre for…
Is the game up for H. pylori. Researchers in the…
Clive Roberts gives an overview of the School of…
Tom Gray talks about career opportunities in…
Cameron Alexander gives a sample lecture for the…
Scientists who discovered a group of
You could find the perfect course at…
Vanessa talks about the social side of pharmacy.
Wesley explains what made him choose pharmacy.
Martin tell us how he chose his PhD.
Undergraduate student, Chang Aeson, talks about…
Undergraduate student, Ghazaleh Behnammanesh,…
Undergraduate student, Bruce Wong Yiung Juan,…
Professor Steve Hill and Dr Ting Kang-Nee…
Scientists at The University of Nottingham…
Scientists at The University of Nottingham have…
Zeeshan talks about why Nottingham is the best…
Szu explains how working in a hospital inspired…
Postgraduate PhD student, Janet Wong, talks about…
Vanessa talks about the social side of pharmacy.