Taster Lecture on Pure Mathematics with Joel Feinstein
From James Walton
From James Walton
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This session will give you a taste of what a university lecture on Pure Mathematics is like. In particular, we will look at the importance of definitions, proofs and examples when you want to be certain of the answers to mathematical questions. You will have a chance to think about some problems concerning prime numbers, and to vote on the possible answers. These days, prime numbers play a crucial role in keeping your online shopping and banking secure!
This talk is suitable for all students taking A-level mathematics. In fact, anyone who is familiar with some algebra (as taught in GCSE mathematics) can understand and enjoy this talk.
Speaker: Dr Joel Feinstein (https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/mathematics/people/joel.feinstein)
Joel Feinstein is an Associate Professor in Pure Mathematics at the University of Nottingham. Currently he is the Teaching Support Officer and the Outreach Officer in the School of Mathematical Sciences, and he teaches the first-year module Foundations of Pure Mathematics.
His main research area is Functional Analysis, and especially Commutative Banach Algebras. In particular he studies curious mathematical shapes such as Swiss cheeses.
You can find his blog at https://explainingmaths.wordpress.com/