Taster Lecture on Problem Solving with Tom Wicks
From James Walton
From James Walton
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In this session, you will learn why problem solving is an essential skill for a mathematics degree and is valued highly by employers. The lecture will provide essential tips and techniques on using mathematics to solve problems effectively. The lecture will include plenty of interactive activities, where you will have the opportunity to have a go at solving some university-style problems yourself.
Speaker: Dr Tom Wicks (https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/mathematics/people/tom.wicks)
Tom Wicks is an assistant professor in mathematics at the University of Nottingham. He currently teaches the module Communicating Mathematics, which gives students the opportunity to go on placement as classroom assistants in local schools. Tom’s research is in mathematics education, where he is particularly interested in developing activities and resources to support students’ transition from school or college to university.