Take part in the UK POLLI:NATION Survey
From Faith Pring
From Faith Pring
Dr Sarah Pierce from the School of Life Sciences is on a mission.
Sarah's the Open Air Laboratories Network (OPAL) community scientist for the Midlands region and is working with schools and community groups in a nationwide survey of the insects that are vital for pollination of flowers and crops. She's appealing for more people to take part and wants people to get out in their gardens to spot and count the bees, butterflies and other insects that are so vital to our ecology.
Sir David Attenborough is backing the Big Lottery-funded survey as patron of the Learning Through Landscapes project.
Details of how you can take part are available at http://www.polli-nation.co.uk
The Polli:Nation Survey has been developed by a consortium of conservation organisations including OPAL, The Field Studies Council, Buglife, Butterfly Conservation, Bumblebee Conservation Trust and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
The data collected through the Polli:Nation survey will be used to inform research on the health and status of pollinating insects across the UK.