Mental health support at the Students' Union - Nottingham Ambition Giving Day
From Alex Kuster
From Alex Kuster
University can be a tricky experience for some, with pressures to succeed sometimes feeling overwhelming. During times of high stress, like moving away from home for the first time or during exams, it can feel like it’s all too much.
One in three students will experience poor mental health at some point during their studies. No student should have to suffer in silence. It’s why students at the University of Nottingham’s Students’ Union (SU) are working hard to create fantastic peer support networks that get tangible results.
But with your support there’s so much more they could do.
You have the power to help. Every pound that you donate can help us to increase student-led mental health support at Nottingham, so that students can get the vital support they need when they’re feeling low.
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