MLAC3182 Mandarin Chinese for the Advanced Level
From Sally Hanford April 22, 2021
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Now that you have gained solid Mandarin language skills, we'll push you to develop these skills to a more sophisticated level. Not only will you continue to improve your understanding of the language but also the cultures of the Mandarin-speaking world.
With your increased proficiency you'll be able to examine more complex texts covering themes such as leisure activities and lifestyles, personalities, love and relationships, economic developments, language learning, social and cultural customs.
Learning is based on the study of written, audio and audio-visual texts at an appropriate level of difficulty. These are analysed for meaning, structure, grammatical forms and lexis. The texts provide the basis for the development of Chinese comprehension (written and aural) and expression (written and oral) to a level commensurate with B2/C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference.
You will also be encouraged to reflect and compare your own culture and the target culture via group discussions and debates, with the learning goal to enhance your cultural awareness and intercultural competence.
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