MLAC3152 Translation Project
From Sally Hanford April 22, 2021
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Students will carry out an extended translation project (translation plus commentary), applying their knowledge of translation theory and their practical translation skills gained during years 1 and 2. Students choose their own source text(s). The source text should be 3000 words long; it could be a single text, an extract from a longer text, or a series of linked texts (e.g. webpages). The source text must be original material composed in ONE of the languages studied by the student as part of their degree programme. It must not have been translated into English before and must be approved by the module convenor or another member of staff designated by the module convenor. The translation may be completed on a pro bono basis for an external client, perhaps drawing on opportunities that open up during the year abroad. Teaching takes place in the form of regular individual meetings with the allocated supervisor, and group meetings with the module convenor, centred more generally on translation and commentary writing skills.
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